Scrap Gold opened our 1st of fifteen payday loan stores in 1997. In 2001, we added car title loan lending to our stores. In 2005, we added buying and selling scrap gold. Eventually, we began offering consulting services for the scrap gold, car title, and payday loan industry.
We have taught and trained entrepreneurs to make significant money in the scrap gold and micro-lending industries (payday loans, car title loans, rapid tax refunds -RAL’s, check cashing, etc).
As a result of our several years of actually buying and selling scrap gold, we’ve developed training materials in the form of books and DVD’s that allow anyone to enter this lucrative niche. We helped thousands of entrepreneurs launch payday loan, car title loan, and scrap gold buying stores and Internet businesses.
Our Founders have been sought-out and quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The New York Times and several other publications.
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